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Friends of Jung-South presents
A Presentation for Laypeople and Mental Health Professionals

The Soul's Journey


The Jungian Theory of Individuation
The Alchemical Imagination

Lucie Magnus, MA, LPC, LMFT

Jungian Analyst, Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts​



Alchemy King and Queen
by Philippa Shanks


The Soul’s Journey:

The Jungian Theory of Individuation

Friday, February 21  |  7 – 9 pm​

2 NBCC Contact Hours

“The individual is all important as he is the carrier of life, and his development and fulfillment are of paramount significance. It is vital for each living being to become its own telelechia and to grow into that which it was from the very beginning.” —CG Jung, in a letter to Henry Murray 

This lecture continues the exploration of CG Jung’s theories that was presented by Friends of Jung-South as “Jung 101” in 2022.


Lucie Magnus will explain Jung’s understanding of the relationship between Ego and the Self in the development of personality. Her lecture will also introduce ideas from alchemical symbolism that illustrate psychological processes.



Participants will be able to:

  • Describe the ego-self axis.

  • Define and differentiate the self/Self.

  • Explain Jung’s concept of the Collective Unconscious.

  • Explain Jung’s idea of neurosis.


The Soul’s Journey:

The Alchemical Imagination

Saturday, February 22  |  9 am – 1:30 pm

4 NBCC Contact Hours​

“I had very soon seen that analytical psychology coincided in a most curious way with alchemy.”  —CG Jung, CW 12:35 

CG Jung was intrigued by the endeavors of alchemists to transform lead (the “prima materia”) into gold. Through exploration and study, he realized that the alchemist’s process was a projection of their own unconscious. This realization alone allowed him to understand the unconscious better than anyone had before. He wrote that “the entire alchemical procedure…could just as well represent the individuation process in a single individual.”


This workshop presents four of the alchemical processes, or phases, that are recognizable in the work of psychotherapy and the transformation of psychic energy. Lucie Magnus will identify and give examples of processes that are specifically related to the four elements: Fire (calcinatio), Water (solutio), Earth (coagulatio), and Air (sublimatio), and how they correspond with imagery and stages encountered in the work of psychotherapy.


Participants will be able to:

  • Define the process of Calcinatio.

  • Define the process of Solutio.

  • Define the process of Coagulatio.

  • Define the process of Sublimatio.

Lucie Magnus, MA, LPC, LMFT

Jungian Analyst, Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts

Lucie Magnus, MA, is a Jungian Analyst in private practice in Birmingham, Alabama.


She is an original participant in the New Orleans Jungian Seminar. She entered training with the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts in 2000 and graduated in 2007. Lucie has been a member of the core teaching faculty of the New Orleans Jungian Seminar since 2007. She has held leadership positions in the IRSJA, serving on the Executive and Training Committees. 


Lucie has lectured and presented workshops on such topics as: The Southern Belle; The Eternal Feminine; Love; Jung 101; and Jung for the Life Span. She has lived in and around Birmingham all of her life.

Lucie Magnus


Please select one of the links below. You will be directed to PayPal to complete your registration using a debit or credit card OR your PayPal account. See information about FOJS membership at the bottom of this page.

Lecture: 2 NBCC Contact Hours  |  Workshop: 4 NBCC Contact Hours

FOJS Members 
Lecture $35  |  Workshop $55  |  Lecture + Workshop $80

Lecture $40  |  Workshop $60  |  Lecture + Workshop $90

Lecture $20  |  Workshop $30  |  Lecture + Workshop $45

Email with general questions or to inquire about financial assistance.

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NBCC Continuing Education Credits
Friends of Jung-South has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, AECP #6859. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Friends of Jung -South is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. 

Friends of Jung-South Membership

Members support the continuing mission of FOJS, and enjoy the camaraderie of a regional group of others with shared interests. Discounted rates for events are offered to members. It is not necessary to pay dues to attend events. Annual membership dues are $20 and renew each January. Members may join at any time during the year.
Click here to pay with a major credit or debit card via PayPal. ​To pay by mail, please send check with your name, address, phone number, and email address to Friends of Jung-South, P.O. Box 130342, 3900 Montclair Rd. FL1, Birmingham, AL 35213-9998.

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