Friends of Jung-South

Friends of Jung-South (FOJS) was founded in the early 1970s in Birmingham, Alabama, sparked by the interest of people who wanted to learn more about the teachings of Swiss psychoanalyst, Dr. CG Jung. In the pioneering days of discovering the unconscious, Jung was a member of Freud's inner circle. Using the Freudian foundation, Jung responded to his own growing understanding of the unconscious. In developing his own ideas, he went on to found the school of depth psychology known as analytical psychology.
FOJS patterned its organization and name after the Friends of Jung group in San Diego, California. Some of the early leaders were Anne Sharman, Robert Collins, Valerie Peake, Glenda Elliott, Frances Tucker and Marion Johnson.
FOJS was the first Jungian organization in the Southeast and drew participants from all surrounding states, with program attendance sometimes exceeding 800 people. Speakers in those beginning years included such luminaries as June Singer, Al Huang, Jan Clanton, Tom Kapazinski, Brad Tapaski, Robert Woolger, and Jean Shinoda Bolin.
FOJS has served as a mentoring organization, fostering the growth of Jungian psychology throughout the Southeast.
In 1980, Dr. Jan Clanton Collins, a Jungian analyst practicing in San Diego, CA, was invited to speak to the FOJS group. Soon she became the first Jungian analyst to locate in Birmingham. In 1981, upon completing their training at the Jung Institute in Zurich, Drs. Gene Qualls and Nancy Qualls-Corbett relocated to Birmingham and began their practices. In 1997, following her Zurich training, Dr. Jutta von Buchholtz returned to Birmingham and began her practice. Lucie Magnus, a Birmingham native, completed her training with the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts and also practices in Birmingham. Melissa Werner, PhD, completed her training in the Child, Adolescent and Adult program at the C. G. Jung Institute Zurich and is practicing in Birmingham. Kathy Avsar completed her training in the Adult program, Inter-regional Society of Jungian Analysts and is in private practice in Birmingham. Anna Dudley, LICSW, is a Training Candidate in the Adult program at the C. G. Jung Institute Zurich.
FOJS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization operated by a Board of Directors that is elected yearly at the annual business meeting.
Notable speakers in the national and international Jungian community are sponsored in Birmingham by FOJS at two or three events each year. These events usually include a Friday evening lecture followed by a Saturday workshop. Additional programs are sometimes offered for weekday attendance. NBCC credit is offered for all sessions.
Contributed by Juanzetta Flowers
Friends of Jung-South Membership
Members support the continuing mission of FOJS, and enjoy the camaraderie of a regional group of others with shared interests. Discounted rates for events are offered to members. It is not necessary to pay dues to attend events. Annual membership dues are $20 and renew each January. Members may join at any time during the year.
Click here to pay with a major credit or debit card via PayPal. ​To pay by mail, please send check with your name, address, phone number, and email address to Friends of Jung-South, P.O. Box 130342, 3900 Montclair Rd. FL1, Birmingham, AL 35213-9998.