Friends of Jung-South

Laurence Hillman, PhD
Jungian Exploration of the Myth of Circe
Kathy Avsar, PhD, LPC
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts
Psychological Mysticism
Jerry R. Wright, D.Min.
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts
Jung 101: An Introduction to the Psychology of CG Jung
Lucie Magnus, MA, LPC, LMFT
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts
Melissa Werner, PhD, LPC
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute Zurich
Mary Magdalene and CG Jung's Theory of Eros, the Feminine Principle in Women and Men
​Nancy Qualls-Corbett, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Retired, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute Zurich
Longing to Belong: ​Culture and Jungian Psychology
Susan E. Schwartz, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute Zurich
Fairy Tale Workshops
Melissa Werner, PhD, LPC
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute Zurich
Reimagining God and Religion:​ Our Most Urgent Task—A Jungian Psychological Perspective
Jerry Wright, DMin
Jungian Analyst, ​​Diplomate of Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts
The Feral Children of the Opioid Epidemic: The Impact of the Opioid Epidemic on the Children of Addicts—A Jungian Perspective
Melissa Werner, PhD, LPC
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute Zurich
Love Stories and the Transcendant Function: Interviews with Couples About Finding Happiness in Love
Jan Clanton Collins, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute Zurich
Obstacles to Individuation for Persons Impacted by Religious Fundamentalism
Renae Cobb, PhD, LPC, LMFT
Diplomate of CG Jung Institute Zurich-Kusnacht
Psychological Types: Jung's Essential Writings on Type AND The Meyers Briggs Type Indicator
Stuart Potter
​Certified MBTI Practitioner
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute Zurich-Kusnacht
Good vs. Evil vs. Wholeness: ​Counseling the Scapegoat Identity
Andrea Mathews, LPC, NCC
Ethics and the Treatment of Schizophrenia
Kathy Avsar, PhD, ALC, NCC
Training Candidate, New Orleans Jungian Seminar, Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts
A Seminar on Psychological Types
John Beebe, MD
​Jungian Analyst, Psychiatrist and International Speaker
Sandtray and Art Therapy for Children and Adults: A Jungian Perspective
Melissa Werner, PhD, ALC, NCC
​Diploma Candidate, CG Jung Institute Zurich
Attachment Theory and Contemporary Infant Research: A Jungian Perspective
Lucie Magnus, MA, LPC, LMFT
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts
A Religion of One's Own: Creating a Personal Spirituality in a Secular World
Thomas Moore, PhD
The Kiss: A Dynamism of the Psyche
Marilyn Marshall, LPC
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts
Breaking the Rules of Love
Jacqueline Wright, EdD
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
Jutta von Buchholtz, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
Jung, Tolkein and the Archetypes of Middle Earth
Janis Maxwell, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
An Unrepeatable Miracle: A Myth of Our Own
Robert Keller, PhD
Varley Wiedeman, PhD
​The Jung-White Letters: A Theatrical Performance and Discussion
Murray Stein
Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
The Feminine in Film
Virginia Apperson, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
Affect & Archetype: Ancient Gods and 21st Century Science
Everett McLaren, Ed.D.
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts
Sacred Selfishness: The Path of Authenticity
Bud Harris, Ph.D.
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
Cultivating a Religious Attitude from a Jungian Perspective
Jerry Wright, M.Div.
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts
The Gambler: Romancing Lady Luck – From Play to Pathology
Billye Bob Currie, Ph.D.
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts
Sacred Initiation: The Ritual of Dionysius at the Villa of Mysteries in Pompeii
Nancy Qualls-Corbett, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
Ancient Appalachian Wisdom: Cherokee Myths as Gifts
G. Keith Parker, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Pastoral Counselor, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
The Southern Belle: Cultural Heritage, Archetypal Implications, Clinical Manifestations
Lucie Magnus, MA, LMFT, LPC
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts
Depth Psychology 2000 Years Ago: The Gospel of Thomas AND Individual Consciousness as Spiritual Path — Parts I & II
Wynette Word-Barton
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
The Inner Life of Dementia: Exploring the Spirituality of Those Living with Alzheimer's
Father John Malecki, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Psychologist, Chaplain
Cherokee Mythology
G. Keith Parker, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Pastoral Counselor, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
In My Father's House: Rediscovering the Lost Masculine
Battle Bell, III
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
The DaVinci Code and Mary Magdalene: A Jungian Approach
Nancy Qualls-Corbett, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
Potency: Masculine Aggression as a Path to the Soul
Eugene Monick, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
Toward the Archetype of the Female Healer
Jutta von Buchholtz, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
SALON ~ A gathering of people in someone's home, often following the Augustan Era, Roman poet, Horace's definition of the aims of poetry--to please or to educate. The familiar phrase "carpe diem" was a main theme of Horace's poetry. Literally translated as "pluck the day," some suggest it may be best translated as "enjoy" the day. The first salons emerged in Italy in the 16th Century and flourished in France in the 17th and 18th Century.
Friends of Jung-South is pleased to join the grand salon tradition by offering small gatherings for the purpose of education and enjoyment, bringing together the principles of logos and eros.

​A Reading in the Salon of Mme Geoffrin, 1755
My Inner Avatar: The Symbolic Quest of MMORPG Video Games
Chris DaSambiagio-Moore, MA, LPC, NCC
Doctoral Candidate, Counselor Education and Supervision
James DaSambiagio-Moore, BS
Graduate Certificate, Qualitative Research and Instructional Technology
Doctoral Candidate, Educational Psychology
Out of the Shadows: A Story of Toni Wolfe and Emma Jung
Lucie Magnus, MA, LMFT, LPC
Diplomate of Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts
Nancy Qualls-Corbett, PhD
Diplomate of CG Jung Institute Zurich
Another Woman Gets Robbed? What Jung, Freud, Piaget, and Vygotsky
Took from Sabina Spielrein
Jerry Aldridge, EdD
The Red Book
Lucie Magnus, MA, LMFT, LPC
Diplomate of Inter-Regional Society Jungian Analysts
Jutta Von Buchholtz, PhD
Diplomate of CG Jung Institute, Zurich
Nancy Qualls-Corbett, PhD
​Diplomate of CG Jung Institute Zurich
Friends of Jung-South Membership
Members support the continuing mission of FOJS, and enjoy the camaraderie of a regional group of others with shared interests. Discounted rates for events are offered to members. It is not necessary to pay dues to attend events. Annual membership dues are $20 and renew each January. Members may join at any time during the year.
Click here to pay with a major credit or debit card via PayPal. ​To pay by mail, please send check with your name, address, phone number, and email address to Friends of Jung-South, P.O. Box 130342, 3900 Montclair Rd. FL1, Birmingham, AL 35213-9998.